QQI is an agency of the Department of Education and Skills with responsibilities for quality assurance of education and training and qualifications in Ireland. QQI is also responsible for the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
For more information see: https://www.qqi.ie/Downloads/Who%20We%20Are-Booklet-A4web.pdf
A useful video to explain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oteJZhW1E9Q&t=34s
For more information on the NFQ… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8rzlYgo9ps&t=13s
Full information can be found on their website, www.qqi.ie
A QQI award is a certificate you will receive on successful completion of a programme offered by a provider with a QQI validated programme.
All Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) awards:
- are quality assured
- are nationally and internationally recognised
- offer access to further and higher education and training opportunities
- are recognised by employers
All QQI awards are part of the new inclusive National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), developed by QQI. This Framework brings greater clarity to the Irish education and training system, making it possible for learners, employers, and providers to understand and compare different types of qualifications. All QQI awards already have a specific placing on the national framework between levels 1 and 10, allowing QQI award holders to progress more easily within the system.
Employers will also recognise your abilities and skills because QQI awards are quality assured.
FRS Training offers a variety of programmes from QQI from level 4 to level 6.
Each programme offered may specify certain requirements in order for a learner to enrol on a programme. This information will be provided to you at the time of booking.
In general learners Learners must be over 16 years of age. To access programmes leading to an award the learner should have reached good standards of knowledge, skill and competence associated with the preceding level of the National Framework of Qualifications. For example, have completed a level 4 before commencing a level 5 or a level 3 before commencing a level 4. This may have been achieved through a formal qualification or through relevant life and work experience. Learners will require a good command of the English language and a good level of numeracy and literacy.
In order for FRS Training to register you on a QQI programme they will need you to complete a registration form.
The information requested on the form is needed to register you on the QQI results system.
All information provided by you to FRS Training is kept securely and retained for a period of 6 months following the issuing of your certification.
The information required is
- Full Name
- PPS number
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Address
- Email address.
Yes, QQI will accept a National Insurance Number in lieu of a PPS number.
Yes, each programme has specific assessments that need to be attempted in order to request certification. The trainer on the programme will advise you of the assessments relevant to the programme you are registered on.
FRS Training in line with their Data Protection policy retains learner information for the purpose of claiming certification and in line with QQI data retention guidelines. The current guideline of 6 months following the issuing of certification applies. Therefore, copies of the registration form, attendance sheets , assessment evidence and copies of certification are disposed of in line with our data retention policy and procedure. FRS Training cannot provide a learner with a copy of any of these documents after that timeframe.
If you have lost your Further Education and Training certificate awarded by NCVA / FETAC / QQI (1994 – present), QQI can offer you a Record of Awards* or a Replacement Certificate**. Please note, Record of Awards Explained.
*A Record of Awards is a full statement of all your FET certificates and components and their grades.
There is a €20.00 fee for this service.
**A Replacement Certificate can ONLY be issued if you have achieved your QQI award after 01/01/2016.
There is a €100.00 fee for this service.
How to request the appropriate document?
Please note: Proof of identity is always required, for example
- A scan of your passport, drivers’ licence, public services card
- Or an equivalent proof of identity (Please indicate name certified under if different from current name)
- Only one application form and fee is required regardless of awards achieved
To request the FET Record of Awards (€20.00) you should click here.To request a QQI Replacement Certificate (€100.00) you should click here.
Any award that is on the National Framework of Qualifications continues to be recognised because it continues to signify achievement of learning at a particular level on the framework.
Learners that are unsuccessful on a programme may repeat the programme or section of the programme on which they were referred.
The trainer needs to advise the QA department of a request for a repeat. FRS Training will try to facilitate a repeat assessment on the next available course.
Learners will not be required to attend the training hours again.
There will be an additional correction fee of €50 per module.
The FRS Training Appeals Process enables learners appeal:
1.The FRS Training assessment process
2.The assessment result or grade
A learners appeals form must be completed to enable this process, this form can be requested from the QA department on qa@frstraining.com
Only Externally Authenticated results can be appealed by a learner.
The trainer is required, if possible, to advise each learner of a provisional results at the end of the programme and to complete the provisional result form in the paperwork pack.
On issuing the result to the learner it allows on opportunity for the trainer to discuss the result informally and to assist the learning in understanding their result breakdown.
The trainer will advise all learners that a provisional result is not final and may change following internal verification, external verification and Results Approval processes of each accrediting body.
Any changes to results will be communicated to the learner by email.
Following this communication, a learner may wish to instigate the formal results appeals process.
Only approved results following RAPS can be formally appealed by the learner.
Once the Learner has been issued with the approved results, they must submit a written request for an appeal within 14 days of the issuing of approved/final results.
A learner requests an appeal of results by completing the FRST22QA6 Learner Appeal Process Application Form and paying the appropriate administration fee, €100 to FRS Training Limited, Derryvale, Roscrea, Co Tipperary.
Payment can be made by card by calling our office.
In the event of a successful final appeal, the fee shall be refunded to the learner.
When an appeal request is received, FRS reviews the assessment process for the specific learner concerned. This includes a review of the assessment result and a second marking of learner evidence where appropriate.
The trainer who evaluates a learner appeal will not be the trainer who made the original assessment decision.
It is noted that grades cannot drop as a consequence of an appeal.
The only evidence which may be presented by the learner at appeal is that which has already been presented for assessment.
New evidence may not be added by the learner for the appeal.
FRS is committed to notifying a learner of the outcome of an appeal within 14 working days by email.