Best Practice in Milking Process Technique 6N20476

Duration: 2 days
Accreditation Body/Award: QQI Award Level 6
The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to autonomously perform and manage the dairy herd milking process integrating key milking techniques with required milk quality, food safety, dairy herd health and dairy cow welfare for commercial Irish dairy herds.

*** Please note prerequisite for attending this course requires:
100 Hours Milking experience and each learner who attends this course must also have access to a milking parlour of their choice for the practical assessment part of this course.


Learning Objectives:

Learners will be able to
1. Evaluate the factors that affect milk composition in the cow, milk quality and food safety in the context of internationally recognised standards, Irish milk processor quality assurance and milk quality standards required under legislation.
2. Assess best practice for managing sickness and abnormal behaviour in dairy cows in the herd and communications required for third parties.
3. Appraise best practice bio-security measures necessary to maintain a disease free herd.
4. Assess situations where disease in milking animals pose risk to milk production, quality, operator and consumer health.
5. Assess current legislative and health and safety issues associated with milk production.
6. Appraise components, operation, maintenance requirements and new developments of common milking parlour types.
7. Report clearly on the implementation of any instruction and communications received in relation to the milking process and specific control measures where necessary.
8. Utilise appropriate preparatory and post milking procedures in regard to the environment and equipment for the entire milking process.
9. Assess herd for health and heat pre milking and take appropriate action.
10. Utilise best practice in regards to operator hygiene.
11. Utilise recognised best practice procedures in regard to key cow pre and post milking procedures including teat preparation, hygiene, and disinfection and checking for mastitis.
12. Utilise recognised best practice procedures in respect of: cluster attachment, milking of the cow, and cluster removal whilst ensuring safe and efficient operation.
13. Monitor the milking process and the operation of the milking machine, bulk tank backing gate and cow flow taking regard of efficiency and cow calmness, taking corrective action as appropriate.
14. Sample milk using appropriate techniques including taking a sterile sample for culture.
15. Utilise recognised best practice procedures to deal with a cow with mastitis.
16. Supervise the manual or automatic milking machine washing and rinsing procedure.
17. Demonstrate knowledge of essential milk bulk tank operational checks and maintenance.
18. Manage the implementation of risk assessment and hazard control at each milking process step as appropriate.

Course Notes

Entry Requirements: Good command of the English language with basic numeracy skills. *** Please note prerequisite for attending this course requires 100 Hours Milking experience *** Each Learner attending this course must also have access to a milking parlour of their choice, this is required for practical assessment part of the course

Assessments: Skills Demonstration: 60 marks Theory Examination: 30 marks Verbal Examination: 10 marks Credit Value: 5

Certification: Successful candidates will receive a QQI level 6 Minor Award in Milking Process Routine. Successful completion of this component award enables the learner to transfer to programmes leading to other certificates where this component is a mandatory or an elective requirement.

Other Dates Available

Below you will find all dates and locations that this course is running.

Best Practice in Milking Process Technique 6N20476

30 & 31 October 2024
Advisory Building, Fermoy, P61 C996, Cork

Best Practice in Milking Process Technique 6N20476

6 & 7 November 2024
FRS Training ROSCREA E53 EV90, Dublin Road, Roscrea, Tipperary

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Best Practice in Milking Process Technique 6N20476