Safe Pass Launch in Cavan

Safe Pass Launch in Cavan

Given the construction labour shortage in Ireland and Cavan’s proximity to major towns and cities, it’s ideally placed to fill the skill gaps within the construction sector. Safe Pass is a one day mandatory course for anyone wishing to enter a building site. We understand that local interest in Safe Pass is growing and have recently launched Cavan as a key training centre for our Solas Safe Pass Courses.

We are currently running Safe Pass Cavan Courses in Cavan’s Kilmore Hotel and we expect an increase in scheduled courses throughout the year.
Please contact Rosemary McTeague for more information. Telephone: 0719663952 Mobile: 0861852337 or e-mail
Visit for full list of courses

Below will answer some frequently asked questions about Safe Pass:

Safe Pass is a safety awareness training programme for construction workers. It is a one-day programme that allows them to work on construction sites without being a risk to themselves or others. Employers are required by law to ensure that employees on construction sites carry Safe Pass cards. As a result, employers must ensure that all employees are properly trained.

All workers in the construction sector, including apprentices, trainees and on-site security workers, must have received safety awareness training and have a Safe Pass registration card before they can work on construction sites.

Every contractor (or other person working on their behalf) is required by law to ensure that everyone under their direct control on a construction site has received Safe Pass training and has been issued with a current Safe Pass registration card. Under health and safety legislation, employers are required to allow their employees paid time off from work to attend safety awareness training.

You will be issued with a Safe Pass registration card when you have successfully completed the one-day Safe Pass training programme. This card lasts for 4 years from the date of the training course. If you leave your workplace, you can keep your registration card, provided it is in date. When it expires, you must then attend a further Safe Pass training course.

If your card has been lost, stolen or damaged you can apply for a replacement card. You can find further details on how to do this on SOLAS.